For over 10 years Peter Hicks and the Blues Licks have been playing their blend of hard driving boogie and blues with some laid back swinging styles to audiences around Tasmania.- Featuring appearances at Forth Blues Festival, Cygnet Folk Festival and the Hobart Taste, the band also perform at venues such as The Republic, Bright Eyes, The Longley and the Hobart Blues Club including bi-monthly residencies at a couple of these venues.
The instrumentation features the unique rhythmic fiddling of Ross Smithard and some ripping harmonica and slide Guitar by Peter on Chicago influenced pieces.- This is all locked in with some very fun and inventive drumming by Sean Brady (Sugar Train) and a tight bass by Brett Carson (Blues Brothers Revival Band).- Depending on the venue and occasion they can perform in both electric and acoustic versions.- There's a real attempt to recreate the great sounds of southern roots and Chicago blues and rockabilly rock "“ but the main emphasis is on groove and fun and getting you up on your toes.